Wednesday, September 30, 2009

29 Weeks...Sleeping Beauty not much excitement this past week to post. Some of you might enjoy the fact that I am keeping Josh up at night with my snoring. Yep....I have developed a habit of snoring. I never used to before, but of course I am now. I guess it has to do with congestion, extra weight, sleeping only on my sides, mouth guard at night for TMJ, and arm splints at night for carpal tunnel syndrome. Sounds sexy...huh? Poor Josh. He is up as much as I am at night with my snoring. It is so bad that it wakes myself up!!! Even after all of that...he still thinks I look great and am attractive as ever. (He sure does know what to tell his pregnant wife to make her happy:) ) I'm a lucky woman!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

28 Weeks: Last Trimester!!

7 mo baby bump :)
I can hardly believe that I am now in my last trimester! Boy does time fly. However, I still have 3 months left...yikes!!! We had our 28 week checkup today and all went great. I had my blood count and glucose screen. My BP was normal (again worried about my history of kidney problems) and my tummy measured normal. Of course there is the wonderful weight gain and I would rather not share those numbers :) The baby was moving all around when the doc was trying to find the heartbeat...little stinker! But, the heartbeat was 148 bpm. The baby was in the breech position. The doc says that over 90% flip by the last lets pray we are in the majority percentage this time! I have been strongly advised to get both the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 flu shot as well. I just don' t want to...but I know I am at high risk because I am pregnant, work with kids, and go in/out of homes. I just am so nervous about it. The decisions and worries of motherhood do start when the baby is in the womb!!! We go back in 2 weeks for another routine checkup.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

27 Weeks....only 13 to go!

Getting ready to go for a walk with "baby on board"
The baby is 27 weeks gestation now and I only have 13 more weeks! It still seems like forever that Josh and I will be holding that baby. I want to know if we are having a little daughter or son so bad! Most people think we are having a little girl. I'll be happy with either.
We cleared out the baby's room last weekend and the nursery is ready for furniture and decorations. We have most of the housework and nursery work out of the way until the furniture comes. We have pretty much picked a pediatrician and only have one more prenatal class to take. So, things are coming together and my list is getting shorter. I still feel good...but I am definitely going to be a marshmallow puff by the end of the pregnancy. The swelling is bad at night and I wake up all puffy. The carpal tunnel syndrome is still present along with the TMJ symptoms. I did get night splints for the wrists and plan to meet with the dentist next week about my jaw. Ugh.....the joys of pregnancy continue!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another checkup down...

Josh and I had our 26 week checkup today. All went great! I was a little nervous my stomach might be measuring a little small...but it was just fine! My blood pressure and urine protein count were fine as well. It was so wonderful to hear the "little stinker's" heart beat again. It was 146 bpm today. Will the baby ever make up its mind? Sometimes it is in the 150's, but lately it has been in the 140's. Still a 50/50 chance to guess right :) It is fun trying to figure out what we will be having. I just don't have a strong feeling...but if I had to guess I would guess girl. Only 13.5 weeks and we'll know for sure. Anyone taking bets????

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

26 weeks

Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can....

I am 26 weeks along today and only 14 more weeks to go! I can hardly believe it! It is still a long way, but at least I am closer to the end than to the beginning of my pregnancy now. I am starting to get that nesting feeling and just want to have everything done before the baby comes. We have knocked off a lot from the long list and we are in good shape at this point. Only a few more registry items, few more "fix-ups" around the home, and then to re-train our dogs. Yep, I am excited to see our dogs with the baby...but a little worried about how well they will behave. I am not concerned that they would harm the baby, just that they might feel so left out. They might never leave my side and be right up in the baby's business. We need to start establishing boundaries and will prepare them as much as we can before the baby arrives.

Boundaries.... what boundaries?

"You mean I have to share my
sun with a baby?!"

We finally ordered our crib, rocker and bedding for the baby this past weekend! I am so excited about the end result. The furniture will arrive in 4-6 weeks, but the bedding will take about 8 weeks. It is being made since it is SO hard to find cute neutral bedding. We ended up doing a mix and match pattern. I posted the fabric swatches. The main colors are green and white. The bumper will have orange piping and ties. So I decided to go crazy and have an orange chair with white piping. I know it sounds a little crazy...but I think it will be a good complement to the white furniture and brown walls. Some family and friends asked for pix of the here is one despite the coloring not being great.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

25 weeks : No use crying over a little spilled....paint!

Josh enjoying painting the Nursery :)
Well, I'm 25 weeks today and doing well overall. I did start the wonderful joys of swelling. I am starting to swell on and off in my ankles, calves, hands and face. It comes and goes...but is definitely worse in morning. I have also had the pleasure of developing some numbness in my forearms and hands during the night. Like I did not have enough trouble sleeping! I am assuming it is a little bit of carpal tunnel syndrome and need to purchase some wrist splints. Then, to top it off...I am starting to have some TMJ discomfort. I again assume from the swelling and joint laxity. I do have a history of a kidney dysfunction so I am monitoring this swelling and my BP closely. Oh I've said before, I'd do it all over again for this little one.

As you can see from the above picture, that Josh is hard at work trying to complete his "honey-do" list before the baby comes. This time I have him hard at work painting the nursery a chocolate brown color. We plan to do white furniture. He was doing great painting the nursery until the handle broke loose on the paint can as Josh was moving it to another location. Yep, you guessed it....the brown paint spilled on the beige carpet! We tried everything to get it out and now have a bluish colored stain right in front of where the changing table will go. Guess we will need to invest in a cute rug to cover it up :) Nothing we can do now. The end product looks great and Thanks Josh for your hard work.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Grandpa Weishaar
Today was a sad day. Josh's Grandpa Weishaar passed away. He was Josh's mom's dad that lived in Daytona on the beach. We were able to visit with him and Grandma a month ago for a family reunion. It was such a special time and we feel so lucky to have spent that time with him. Little did we know it would be the last time we saw him. I know Josh has many wonderful memories of his Grandpa when they used to live in St. Louis. Josh did not get to see him as often when they decided to retire in Florida...but he has always had a special place in Josh's heart. I know he will be missed.