Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good Times with Grandpa Lee

I learned to use a straw sippee cup this week
(it's also fun to chew on!)
WOW! Look what my Grandpa Lee
brought for me!!!
I love hanging out with Grandpa. He makes me happy.
Mommy and I had more company at the
Farmer's Market this Saturday.
We then went to the Arts Festival...I like to just
"chill" and kick up my feet while I people watch.

I like to play "peek-a-boo" now. It makes me laugh.

-This weekend started off with Brooks' 9 mo checkup. He weighs 20 lb 14.5 oz (60th percentile) and 29 3/4 in long (90th percentile). He did not get his vaccine because he still had a little cold. We will just wait until next week. He is able to start more solids. He has tried a handful and seems to like them. However, he is really not very interested in eating now that he is motoring around. It is kind of frustrating at times...but he is gaining about 1 lb a month. He is creeping everywhere and into everything! He loves the dog bowl...go well as the dog toys. He loves pulling up on the furniture (and banging his head). He is quickly learning to "toughen" up and is becoming "hard headed"....wonder who he gets that from (ha). He is imitating so much and is a talker. He loves chasing after the dogs. Brutus gets a little startled at times when Brooks sneaks up behind him. Sweet Pea just sits and lets him grab her ears and hair. He still breaks out from their saliva and I wonder if this "cold" is allergies???? He really loves his daddy and I can see the bond forming before my eyes. He loves the rough and tumble play with daddy.
-Grandpa Lee and his dog (Kap'em) came in town this weekend. He has not seen Brooks for 2 months because he had his knee replaced. Grandpa is getting around great and it meant so much for him to visit! Brooks missed him. He came with goodies and of course Brooks LOVED the balloon. I think it will be hard for Brooks not to be a Cardinals fan :). We had a wonderful weekend of fun, food and laughs with Grandpa. It was sad to see him leave, but we will see him next month!

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